OVERALL HEIGHT: 17.53meters
BASE WEIGHT: 49.8tons
One of five identical prototype mobile suits developed by Orb using stolen data from the Earth Alliance's G Project. Its original concept was to be a MS that could be piloted by Natural, and it was eventually loaded with an incomplete Natural-use OS. Most of the technology from the G Project are successfully copied with the exception of Phase Shift armor. In its place, the Gundam Astrays' designers made the machines out of a lighter foam metal compound, with minimal armor over the frame. This made the mobile suits lighter and faster than their G Project counterparts. All five prototype Gundam Astrays are also designed with backpack that can be lowered to the back skirt armor, allowing the mounting of additional equipment on the back.
Figure itself consists of 314 pieces.
Katana and Case consists of overall 65 pieces.